When a great white shark approaches you it’s best to keep an eye on its teeth. But this shark turned into a snappy slapper as it belted a photographer with its tail.
Photographer Don Carpenter was in a cage off Guadalupe Island, Mexico when the male shark approached.
He said: ‘I could see this large male Great White come out of the gloom.

‘He was on his way over to check me out when I started taking pictures.
‘Obviously you’re always thinking what might happen if it suddenly lunges for you, as I was hanging out the side of the cage where there is a decent size gap.’ Don, from Lubbock, Texas, continued:
‘As it turned, I dropped my guard slightly and I was busily snapping away when its tail came crashing into the side of my head and camera.
‘It was a bit like getting slapped by your girlfriend. Over here we call it a bitch slap.
‘He didn’t even give me a kiss.’ He added: ‘I grabbed the camera and turned around and you can see the look of the other divers after I got slapped.
‘They thought it was hilarious.’