(July 14, 2019) – After three waves of starts, the 90-boat fleet of the 50th Transpac Race had its first night together at sea along the 2225 nm course from Los Angeles to Honolulu. The early starters, after an initial dive south for better winds, are now straightening their course toward the finish line. However, the third group isn’t as lucky as most are dealing with light winds for their escape from California. Thus far the attrition count has claimed two Hobie 33s, a Cal 40, an Olson 40, and a SC 50.
Leaders based on positions (as of 0700 HST):
Multihulls 0A: Celestra – Lagoon 400S2
Multihulls 0: Argo – MOD70
Division 1: Comanche – Verdier/VPLP 100
Division 2: Bolt – Nelson Marek 68
Division 3: t Draconis- Rogers 46
Santa Cruz 50/52: Oaxaca – Santa Cruz 50
Division 5: Good Call – Swan 60
Division 6: Ho’okolohe – Farr 57
Division 7: Chubasco – S&S Yawl 67
Division 8: Sweek Okole – Farr 36
Division 9: Nadelos – Wasa 55
Cal 40: Viva
Overall: Oaxaca
Background: First organized by the Transpacific Yacht Club in 1906, the biennial Transpacific Yacht Race or Transpac is an offshore sailing race from Point Fermin in Los Angeles to Diamond Head, just east of Honolulu, a distance of 2225 nm. The 2019 edition has 12 divisions with staggered starts on July 10, 12, and 13.
Boats racing in Divisions 6, 7, 8, 9, the Cal 40s, and the Multihulls in Class 0A will start on July 10. The second start on July 12 will be for the boats in Divisions 3, 5 and the Santa Cruz 50/52s, with the final start on July 13 for the remaining monohull entries in Divisions 1 and 2, along with the Multihull class 0 entries.
Source: sailingscuttlebutt