It might seem like a scuba course teaches you only the basics — how to set up gear, ascend safely, plan a dive and a few other skills. But we divers know better. Sure, with time you’ll be able to identify every animal in Finding Nemo and fix just about anything with a zip tie. But we’re talking big picture. Here are four skills that will come in handy in your everyday life.
Keeping a Level Head
Panic is the root of so many dive accidents. One of the staple pieces of training in every diving course is plain and simple: Slow down, collect yourself, and consider the best option. This is also solid guidance in pretty much any situation. Should I remortgage my home? Is this college right for me? What should I eat for lunch? These questions haunt many but are a breeze when compared with the emergencies divers are trained to conquer.
At any point during a dive, you need to have a grasp on your bottom time, depth, air pressure, ascent rate, navigation and more — all while taking in unbelievable sights and experiences. Being a skilled diver makes basic tasks topside feel like a breeze, and it increases your confidence in everyday life. But even so, we don’t recommend trying to feign a conversation with your significant other while watching TV. Not even the most experienced diver can get away with that one.
Communicating Clearly
Pretty much any situation can be handled with hand signals underwater as long as the viz is OK, from an out-of-air emergency to a shark sighting. People who understand how to communicate clearly and concisely are valued in every profession. And divers can do just that.
Developing Social Skills
Anyone who’s spent three hours on a dive boat heading out to a remote reef or two weeks on a liveaboard sharing 10 square feet with a stranger knows what this is all about. There’s a certain kinship among the traveling diver — well, the nice ones — and time spent on a boat or at the beachside grill is time spent getting to know people from around the globe. This might not directly translate to your holiday office party, but, hey, having dozens of amazing dive stories up your sleeve doesn’t hurt either.
Source: Sport Diver