Professional videographer and researcher of the ocean Jonathan green published a video in social networks where you hear the voice of the whale shark.
As it became known the man heard the incredible sound of the whale shark late in the evening in the summer of 2016, studying footage of observations of whale shark in the open ocean. However, I decided to publish this video recently.
Later that evening, Greene was looking through camera footage temporarily attached to the dorsal fin of the whale shark, which he and his team made specially for the filming of the BBC documentary series “Blue planet 2”, material.
Suddenly he heard something unusual, seemed to him “a quiet whisper”. He pressed the rewind and increase the volume.
After that he woke his team and they together reviewed the video again.
Someone suggested that the nature of the sound was mechanical and he has gone on record by accident. In fact, scientists believe that sharks are unable to pronounce any sound. But it was not like a mechanical sound, it came from a living organism. We just sat there and thought, what the hell, what kind of mysticism? The video was filmed from the dorsal fin of the whale sharks, providing a first-person largest fish on the planet,” — said green.