Balz Müller leading the innovation game once again, this time with a spectacular display in Pozo
When it comes to innovation Balz Müller is at the very forefront of the sport. Not only has the Swissman led the charge when it comes to the progression of Foil Freestyle as he has also been nailing some new jumps too such as the tabletop backloop and attempting a shifty into forward, whilst in Pozo this summer. You can see Balz Müller’s Pozo Send List edit @
Balz Müller: “swisswaterfamily (name from our new van project) been on the road to the Canary Islands. at our first stop Pozo we`ve made plenty unforgettable memories. And I’ve worked hard on the “POZO SEND LIST” to step up my windsurfing to new limits, just as Shifty into Forward and Tabletop Backloop… many more to be done, can’t wait to visit this beautiful windsurf playground soon again.”
Source: PWA –