IMAGINE you are five metres underwater on a hostile shore where there is an enemy who will kill you if he gets the chance.
The cold water is so murky that you can’t see your hands, even when you hold them up to your face mask.
You are groping along the muddy sea floor with your fingers, feeling about for something solid and metallic.
Now imagine that what you are looking for is a mine packed with enough explosives to sink a battleship.
The only consolation is that if the mine does go off, you won’t know about it. You will be obliterated in a flash.
Your job is to disarm the mine or rig it so that you can retreat to a safe distance and blow it up.
Those who placed the mine don’t want you to do that and have booby-trapped it so that the slightest tremor will set it off.
Your fingers touch the hard shell of the mine. You trace the mine’s outline and find the entry plate. Ever so gently, you unscrew the plate and carefully insert your fingers to find the detonator wires. You have the wires in your hand – now which one to cut? You can’t even see which wire is red and which is blue. Welcome to the world of the elite Australian navy clearance diver.
Now imagine you are in Afghanistan, crawling on your belly toward a roadside bomb. Somewhere in the hills, watching you, is a Taliban bomb-maker, a highly skilled specialist who is determined to kill you as you try to defuse the explosive device. This is personal.
You know his trademarks in making the bomb. He knows you have thwarted his earlier attempts and has set a trap for you in this bomb. Something new. Something deadly. It’s your skill versus his. Welcome again to the world of the Australian navy clearance diver, among the most skilled anti-bomb specialists in the world, whether underwater or on land.
Salmon is a talented writer and researcher who has opened a window onto the amazing world of these brave men. From the origins of the unit in World War II, when Australian sailors were seconded to the Royal Navy to disable bombs and mines around British ports, to the murky rivers of Vietnam and on to today as they defuse roadside bombs in Afghanistan, this is a riveting read.
Salmon has managed to gain access to this secretive world and the divers open up about their lives and their skills. You feel the pain as they go through the physically demanding admission course and training, swimming regularly from their harbour base at Middle Head to Manly and back.
Grizzled veterans modestly describe facing death every time they go in to defuse a bomb. These men have to be extremely cool and unflappable – one sudden step too far could result in instant death.
It would have been interesting, however, had Salmon explored the long-term effects of stress and danger on the divers. The book is gung-ho – understandable given the nature of the divers’ job – but what happens to those who can’t cope with the pressure? How are behaviour and personality affected away from the closeness and discipline of the diving unit? What goes through these men’s minds when they are alone?
Salmon fails to examine the toll on the men and his book is the lesser for it.
No doubt he had to sign all sorts of agreements with the Department of Defence before he was granted access to the unit. Perhaps this restricted his writing – but we see only the hero here.
Navy Divers
Gregor Salmon