Lena Erdil Talks Pozo & the Forward Loop That Broke Her Foot and Lisfranc Ligament in her Latest VLOG
Unfortunately, the 2018 Gran Canaria Wind&Waves Festival didn’t end the way Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360 / Chopper Fins) would’ve wanted, as the Turk was forced to withdraw from the Double Elimination after breaking her foot upon landing a forward loop. Now Lena is back home in Turkey where she brings her latest VLOG to you from.
Lena Erdil: “After finishing the Slalom World Cup in June this year I decided that this would be a good time to really improve my competitive wavesailing and do all the Wave World Cup events in the canaries this year. Gran Canaria and more specifically Pozo was always the event that I feared the most with its extremely strong onshore winds and many people telling me stories about crash injuries there….Learning new moves in 60 knots is maybe not ideal and in the end exactly what I feared most happened to me, during the contest I landed a forward loop too flat and thereby broke my foot and lisfranc ligament…
I had to be carried out the water and took the airplane back home the next day…. But the week leading up to the event was very windy and me and a few of the other girls had the goal of landing pushloops before the contest. In the end, even though it was crazy windy, there was only really 1 day with good ramps and actually none of us managed to successfully land them… But at least I can say that I definitely don’t lack the commitment… and I know I will be back trying them even though it looks like this time it will be later rather than sooner…..
Find out how I broke my foot and what i got up to in Pozo before it happened all in my latest VLOG, Link here: https://youtu.be/R5O7_Wxpy60 . Also if you like my Vlogs pls subscribe to my Youtube channel #withthewind #insearchofadrenalin”
Source: PWA