Lena Erdil cool, calm and collected heading into Hvide Sande

In just a few days time the second stop of the PWA Women’s Slalom World Tour will begin alongside the men’s fourth stop as the world’s fastest sailors head for Hvide Sande, Denmark, for a brand new addition to this year’s world tour.

Ahead of the event we caught up with current world tour leader, Lena Erdil (Starboard / Point-7 / AL360), to see how she’s feeling before battle round two — here’s what the 27 year old had to say: “It’s the first time ever for me that I’m going into an event leading the tour. I know I probably should be extra stressed since from here I can only go down the ranking, but actually I’m quite calm. The competition is going to be no more or less as tough as it always is, there are so many strong and competitive girls out there who could all do really well here, so personally I will just try and make sure I do the best that I can and see where it gets me.

Since the PWA event in Korea I tried to do some other competitions to keep racing, I had the chance to go to the Tahiti Freeride Cup, the Ifca Worlds in Croatia and the Turkish Championships in Istanbul, I’m super stoked to have won all these events and I am really looking forward to competing against the best girls in the world on the PWA World Tour again.

I just arrived in Denmark yesterday and the spot looks super nice and actually a lot warmer than I expected! So far conditions have been light wind and super flat water, we are actually sailing in a fjord next to the sea. Locals say we can get wind from pretty much any direction and so far the forecast looks promising. It’s always great to compete in new locations that no-one has competed in before and I think this is probably going to be the flattest spot on tour so it could be interesting to see if this will favour different people… lets keep our fingers crossed for lots of wind and racing :).”

If you’d like to know more about Hvide Sande then please take a look at the teaser, which can be found by visiting @ www.youtube.com/watch. Make sure you tune into www.pwaworldtour.com between the 4th-9th September to follow all of the exhilarating racing live via the PWA live stream.

Source: pwaworldtour

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