Interest in distance racing finds California Offshore Race Week preparing for its fourth edition which once again connect three distances races into a full offshore race week series. Over 40 boats on May 25 will tackle the first stage, the 88nm Spinnaker Cup from San Francisco to Monterey, with 10 teams committed to the full monty which includes the Coastal Cup on May 27 (Monterey to Santa Barbara; 204nm) and the SoCal 300 on May 30 (Santa Barbara to San Diego; 245nm).
New this year, the California Offshore Week includes a fourth component for the fastest boats – the CA 500 from San Francisco to San Diego on May 30. Originally conceived by Manouch Moshayedi who owns Rio100, the big monohulls couldn’t rally interest but three MOD70s will be using the course as preparation for the 2019 Transpac Race in July.
Did you think we meant the “other” full monty?
Source: sailingscuttlebutt