Baptiste Cloarec & Nicolas Quéméner take on the double forward challenge
There’s nothing like a little bit of friendly rivalry to help push your level even higher and that’s what Windsurfing.TV have been up to recently we a few different challenges. The latest one sees Baptiste Cloarec (RRD / RRD Sails) take on fellow countryman Nicolas Quéméner (Flikka / Hot Sails Maui) in a double forward challenge…
Windsurfing.TV: “20min Challenge – 40knots of wind
2 x French riders go head-to-head in a Double Loop off!!
Baptiste Cloarec vs Nicolas Quéméner
Location: Pozo, Gran Canaria
You pick the winner… tell us in the comments below”
You can see how the Double Loop Challenge went down @
Source: PWA –