(March 21, 2019) – With only the HH55 Ticket to Ride still racing, the results for the 800nm Newport Beach To Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race are firm as John Raymont’s Andrews 40 Fast Exit posted the best corrected time. Division winners are Destroyer (TP52, ORR1), Pywacket (Andrew 70, ORR2), Fast Exit (Andrews 40, ORR3), Horizon (SC50, ORR4), and Chubasco (S&S 67, ORR5). Light air plagued the race, and while the 17 starters on March 14 and 15 had only one retiree, the 12 starters on March 16 had five teams quit due to the slow pace.
The 20th edition of the Newport Beach To Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race follows the 800nm course from Southern California to the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. A staggered start assigned six entrants in ORR 5 to start on March 14, with the 11 entries in ORR 3 and 4 starting March 15 and the 11 entries in ORR 1 and 2 starting on March 16 along with two multihulls in ORR-MH.
Source: sailingscuttlebutt