Tenderly letting her child swim ahead, the mother whale keeps a watchful eye on her offspring.
For the infant ‘southern white whale’ is an albino, standing out in the glorious South Africa sunlight with a body that is almost entirely white, with just a few speckles of black skin.
The sight was captured by helicopter by a safari tour group, who watch the whales as they trek up from near Antarctica for their annual mating season.

Each winter southern right whales flock to the coastlines to mate – with the animals preferring to feed and breed on the coastlines for their abundance of food and safe harbour.
When the whales began appearing, brothers Evan and Dave Austin, who set up African Wings flying safari company, took to the skies to capture the spectacle on camera.
The whale is likely to be albino, however – as the white patches on the other whales are formed by mostly-harmless bacterial colonies, it is possible the calf is just a little too covered over.
In one shot the albino calf can be seen closely swimming by its mother’s side. Another shows males ferociously vying for the attentions of a female.

The giant animals – which weigh an astonishing 60 tonnes at their heaviest – flap around in a feeding frenzy.
But there is sadness behind their name: the southern right whale gained the moniker from hunters, who viewed that it was the ‘right’ whale to target.
Their slow-moving nature led to their population being decimated – forcing it to the brink of extinction as whalers slaughtered an estimated 20,000 – and their bodies would rise to the surface when killed.
They are also friendly and slow-moving beasts who are quite curious about ships – which made them easy prey.
It was only when they became protected that the numbers rose to some 4,000 in the wild.