With Luiz Kahl’s untimely death, Chris Clark accepted the duty of filling in for Luiz as the 2022 Bayview Mackinac Race Chairman. In preparation for the start of the 98th edition on July 16, Clark’s updates keep competitors informed and on track, and he’s not shy about being the bad cop when needed.
In a recent communication, he addresses a very important topic… cheating:
I want to emphasize that I hate sending these types of messages, yet I find myself having to do it again. Yacht racing is a Corinthian sport, and that is a huge part of why I got into sailing. I am just bewildered by the belief that “it” is okay as long as we are not caught.
We are still finding boats that are contemplating NOT sailing in the configuration they are measured for or in violation of other class rules.
• If you are registered in the Cruising Class, the boat MUST comply with the class rules. If not, you will be moved to the appropriate section in a racing class.
• If you are registered in a One Design Fleet, you must comply with all ORC measured configuration requirements AND you MUST comply with your class rules. Your class rules are managed by your class.
• The crew weight you are sailing with must be within the range declared on your certificate.
• Don’t think complying with the above statements and then NOT complying with other rules is acceptable. It is not.
• This is not a complete list or meant to define all the requirements. These are just the blatant simple ones to catch.
• It is the boat owner or person in charge’s responsibility to make sure a boat and crew comply with all requirements.
If on random inspection, we find a boat with a certificate that disqualifies it from a class it is registered in, we will put the boat in the appropriate section/class. This is nonnegotiable, non-protestable. How do you avoid this?
1) Review your certificate. It is the gold standard for your boat’s configuration.
2) Review the rules.
3) Make sure you comply.
4) If you don’t comply, fix it!
Source: scuttlebutt – https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/2022/07/12/it-is-cheating-plain-and-simple/