When the 10-day forecast for Calgary has highs in the low 30s, the residents of Alberta’s largest city and Canada’s third-largest municipality need indoor activities. For the Glenmore Sailing Club, that means bringing sailing under the roof to celebrate their 60th anniversary.
For the first event of their celebration year, they’ve organized a day of indoor sailing, partnering with Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and Sport Calgary’s “All Sport One City”, which is an initiative for Calgarians to try a new sport or get back to one they previously enjoyed.
Tailored to introduce the fundamentals of sailing to youth 13-18 years old up to 68 kg / 150 pounds, the event on January 26 will have 30 minutes of sailing and safety instruction before launching boats in the pool for 30 minutes of sailing.
This introduction to sailing event will utilize industrial fans along the length of the pool to provide the wind, with the club using six Optimist dinghies in the pool and assisted by volunteers in and around the pool for coaching and safety.
Source: sailingscuttlebutt