When hundreds of leopard sharks were found dead and dying in California’s San Francisco Bay earlier this month, we wanted to learn more about these beautiful fish. Here are 10 interesting facts about Triakis semifasciata.
1) The leopard shark is a species of houndshark, in the family Triakidae.
2) Adult leopard sharks reach lengths of over 6 feet; though they average less than 5 feet in length.
3) They come into shallow water to give birth to live young in spring. Females can produce from seven to 36 offspring, which measure 20 centimeters at birth.
4) Leopard sharks are more active at night than during the day, and sometimes are found lying still on the bottom.
5) The maximum lifespan of this species is estimated at 30 years. Found in many aquariums, they have lived up to 20 years in captivity.
6) While a few have been documented traveling hundreds of miles, most leopard sharks are “homebodies” that remain in the same area for much of their lives. Leopard sharks are most common in shallow water. They prefer muddy bay habitats, especially in northern California.
Source: Sport Diver